Saturday, February 7, 2015

Old versus New Series - Featuring City Boys Band

Old Version

New version

Occassionally I come across some old music which rings a bell in my thoughts... perhaps a familiar song... yes, a familiar song indeed. But then the old song always seems better than the new song... the old songs are recorded with live instruments whereas the new ones are done mostly by computer, sometimes infused with one or two instruments being played live alongside in the studio...
In one of many more series to come, I feature "Maye Yie Ne Sumina"  which is a song about how people can be ungrateful, by the City Boys Band led by Obuoba J.A. Adofo. He is very much alive as at the time of this posting and still performs at private events, some of these performances in video will also be featured later.
I am usually in favor of the old versions but with this particular song, I somehow seem to like the new one better, maybe its because I have a soft spot for the bass guitar and didnt really get much of it in the old version, the rhythm guitar playing in the background of the new version also makes it a better piece in my opinion... You Decide!

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